DTS Overview
DTS [Discipleship Training School] is a life-changing and life-marking season to set aside and meet the Lord in personal and powerful ways. It's the perfect training ground for Christians who have a heart for missions, pastoral ministry and evangelism and want a place to grow in these giftings.
Our heart is to train Christian leaders to serve in their sphere of influence!
Whether you've attended college or are just finishing high school, there is always room to grow in our Christian walks.
Perhaps you're in a season where you want to learn more about God, or grow in your walk with Him, maybe you want to gain more ministry experience --DTS is a great place to start and will impact your life in many ways!
Discipleship Training School students take 5-6 months away from the normalcy of home and live in community with other DTS students and YWAM staff for the entirety of the program. The first three months of the DTS is called the Lecture Phase. The lecture phase consists of weekly classes with differing speakers, as well as times of ministry and connecting with God in real and meaningful ways resulting in greater freedom and maturity in the Lord. The weekly teachings are practical; meaningful head and heart learning and transformation takes place as the Lord moves in your life.
After the three months of the Lecture Phase, DTS students embark on a two to three month outreach to share the love of Jesus with others and support long-term ministries. It's a time to practice what you've learned during lecture phase and gain experience on the mission field.
Topics during the lecture phase may include: Father Heart of God, Holy Spirit, Hearing God's Voice, Lordship of Christ, Repentance & Forgiveness, Biblical Worldview and others! If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch!
Know God.
Lecture Phase.
A foundational value of YWAM is to know God. Knowing God is really the main thrust of the Lecture Phase. As students come to know God, His Word and His world in deeper ways, they also experience transformation, renewal and personal growth. DTS students learn from a variety of teachers as well as from living in community and engaging in practical training
Make God Known.
Outreach Phase.
A second foundational value of YWAM is to make God known. This it the main focus of the Outreach Phase of the DTS. DTS outreach teams go beyond the walls of the YWAM bases they’re a part of to share the good news of Jesus with the world around them. Through evangelism, worship, prayer, and a variety of others ministry expressions, DTS students have the opportunity to give from what they have received while growing in their faith and giftings.
Lecture Phase K2000
(K3000 for International students)
Outreach cost varies depending on location.
Take A Step Of Faith!
Get In Touch
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Fill out the contact form below and one of our friendly staff will contact you soon!